learn IMPROV.
Somerville & Cambridge
Improv comedy is an excellent skill that will help you:
Strengthen performance skills & hone your comedic voice
Expand your creativity, confidence, communication, adaptability, awareness & more
Make new friends
Begin your professional comedy journey
Have a lot of fun
We offer a variety of classes & advanced workshops for students of all levels. If you're curious about where you fit in or how our levels work, check out our Curriculum Overview.
Here's what students have said about our classes:

I really enjoyed this class. The atmosphere was very welcoming. I think this class serves well for the beginner who is looking to truly learn and be challenged.

- Rachel, Allston, MA
This was the best way to break into improv I could have imagined.
- Hilary, Somerville, MA

Coming Up
Intro classes
Advanced classes
Most advanced classes require a password to register.
For approval please contact info@unioncomedy.com or your previous Union Comedy instructor

Comedy School FAQ
What are improv classes like?
Our core classes (Levels 1-4) consist of up to 16 students under the guidance of a single instructor for 2.5 hours per week. Full courses are 8-weeks long, with at least one class show in front of a live audience. Workshops are typically one day only with no class show included.
Our Core Curriculum consists of Levels 1-4. It is designed to begin at Level 1 for students with experience, as well as those with none. Those with previous improv training will still find Level 1 to be challenging, useful and fun. In addition to our 8-week classes, we occasionally offer advanced workshops in specific areas or longform structures, such as applied astrology, character work & more. Check out our Curriculum Overview for more information.
Students can expect to engage in a variety of creative (and silly) warm-ups, scenic exercises, and scenes by active participation and observation. You can also expect to receive guidance and feedback from your instructor to help improve your skills.
Union's classes are designed to be cumulative, where each week builds on the last, so consistent attendance is imperative. Students with more than 2 absences may be required to retake the level before being able to move on to the next.
While enrolled in our classes, students are able to see shows for free, and expected to see at least 2 shows throughout the 8-weeks of class.
Do I need to prepare/bring anything to class?
Please wear clothing that is comfortable to move around in (especially footwear), since we never know where scene will take us. We don't want anything holding you back from miming activities, sitting on the floor as a duck, jumping around, etc. Feel free to also bring a bottle of water/snacks, and a notebook to take notes.
In addition, please bring a willingness & openness to try new things, participate, and get goofy and kinda weird.
What type of content should I expect to encounter in classes?
Due to the unscripted nature of improv, it is impossible to predict specific content, however our faculty does their best to foster a respectful, safe and socially conscious environment where everyone is able to feel free to express themselves authentically. We ask our students to be considerate of their peers' physical and emotional boundaries both onstage and off, and to be patient with themselves and others throughout the learning process.
Union Comedy does not tolerate offensive content with the intention to harass any particular individual or group, to express hatred and/or intolerance toward a protected individual or group, such as gender, race, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.
I've taken classes at another theater, can I skip levels at Union Comedy?
Classes at other theaters are not directly transferable. Students with more than a year of longform improv experience may be able to join at Level 2. Levels 2-4 require a password to register; if you would like to ask about skipping Level 1, or are a returning student eligible for upper levels, please email school@unioncomedy.com.
Do you offer scholarships/internships for classes?
We do not currently have any official programs, however we understand financial hardship and don't want that to prevent students from signing up. If this applies, fill out THIS FORM and we'll try to help you out.
What are your class cancellation and refund policies?
Classes need a minimum of 8 registrants within 24 hours of their start date in order to run. Classes that do not meet this minimum will be canceled and all registrants refunded.
We do not offer refunds to registrants who withdraw from a class within 48 hours of its start date or after a class has begun. If you must withdraw from a class, you may transfer registration as a credit for a future class. Email us at school@unioncomedy.com with any questions.
Do you offer custom workshops, classes, or rehearsals for groups or companies?
Yes! We would be happy to discuss booking private workshops and events for companies, teams, birthday or bachelorette parties, etc. Email info@unioncomedy.com for inquiries.